A plan for a village centre with a supermarket, shops and restaurants, offices, healthcare facilities including veterinary services, has been lodged with the Council for Yeerongpilly Green, the major urban renewal project in southwest Brisbane.
Dubbed the Yeerongpilly Green Village Heart (DA A005635771), the centre will rise on a vacant lot surrounded by Queens Way, King Arthur Terrace and Fig Tree Street.
The 4,200 square metres supermarket will serve as the anchor tenant and above it are spaces for offices and other shops. Also proposed in the plan are slots for 292 car park spaces in the basement with Queens Way as the main vehicle access.
BVN, the project’s architect, has worked on the village centre’s design for the last three years.
“From inception, the brief has been to design a contemporary mixed-use development that responds to commercial development requirements while contributing to Brisbane’s architectural and public realm design. This is consistent with the outcomes sought by the Yeerongpilly Green Transit Oriented Neighbourhood Plan,” BVN said.
“The proposed development involves a mix of uses that will operate at different times of the day and night. Small-scale active tenancies are proposed on the primary frontages of the development and adjacent to pedestrian spaces within the development. This will facilitate the creation of a highly activated and vibrant centre.”
In 2019, Acting Premier and Minister for State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning Cameron Dick said that supermarket giant Woolworths could be a major tenant of the emerging retail hub, potentially generating 100 jobs.
“With new parklands, new pedestrian-friendly pathways and new roads complete, Yeerongpilly Green is already putting on a show, and this highly-anticipated retail precinct with the new Woolworths will form the heart of the project and provide the shopping experience an urban renewal project of this scale merits,” Mr Dick said.