Oxley’s Abandoned School Might Be Turned Into An Aged Care Facility, Locals Encouraged To Attend Information Sessions This Month

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Earlier this year, the site of the abandoned Oxley Secondary College caught fire in an accident that later on triggered fears of asbestos inhalation around the neighbourhood. The building has been abandoned for years and locals fear the possibility of asbestos infiltration.

Even before the fire, the building had been under an ongoing debate about what to do with it and now, there finally seems to be some clarity on the fate of the derelict building.

Also read: Fire Broke Out At An Abandoned School In Oxley, Residents Warned Of Asbestos Exposure

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Ongoing Work

Currently, rectification works are ongoing to resolve critical issues on the site. A huge percentage of the locals want the area to be transformed into an area for public use.

Minister for State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning Cameron Dick is psyched about planning and implementing something for the benefit of the locals at the building site.

Previous Plans

In 2016, a panel of eight residents talked to Economic Development Queensland about the best approach for the disposition of the building. The main concern of the residents was that the area is not suitable for a residential property as the site is prone to flooding and landslides. However, they are not entirely averse to the idea of residential development. Should a residential development ensue, they would like to see the land developed safely.

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The site was acquired from Education Queensland by the Department of Natural Resources and Mines in 2002. At the time, it was used as a police dog training facility. In 2001, it was declared surplus to government needs. Currently, the site occupies 19.28 hectares of land but the average lot size proposed for the site should the aged care facility pushes through is 800 square metres.

Current Plans

Plans for turning the building into an aged care facility is currently on the discussion table. It will be pitched to the community at various information sessions at the end of May. The information sessions will tackle a combination of residential and community outcomes with the intent to preserve open spaces.

The plans will also involve the relocation of an existing C&K child care centre to the site. Also, 60% of the site will be for public use.

Have your say on 31 May at 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and on 2 June at 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Oxley Bowls Club. Register here.