Normanby Hounds Lodges Plans for a Stylish, Modern Clubhouse in Graceville

Normanby Hounds
Photo Credit: DA A006114269/BCC

The Normanby Hounds, one of the oldest rugby leagues in Brisbane, could soon have a new clubhouse. Designs have been submitted to update the existing Graceville clubhouse into a stylish and modern building with updated amenities.

Plans have been lodged with Council to transform the outdated facility into a new two-storey building with restaurants or bars, private function rooms, offices and meeting rooms, broadcast and camera areas, as well as better changing rooms for the home and away teams.

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There will also be plenty of outdoor and indoor viewing with inviting large windows and balconies included in the design.

According to DA A006114269, the rebuild will remove and replace the existing clubhouse. The new facility will take up a 1,052-sqm gross floor area whilst the car parking spaces will remain the same. 

Mode Design did the plans for the Normanby United Sports Club, which wants the new space to support the sports and recreational uses of the clubhouse.

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Normandy Hounds
Photo Credit: DA A006114269/BCC
Normandy Hounds
Photo Credit: DA A006114269/BCC

“Despite the proposed development providing for extensions which result in a new built form replacing the current clubhouse structure, the proposal does not result in any adverse negative impacts on the surrounding built form and premises. The development does not alter the existing access and car parking arrangement, or the infrastructure and servicing provided to the site,” the development application stated. 

Normanby Hounds, also known as the Normanby Rugby League Football Club, is one of the oldest rugby leagues in Brisbane. Formed in 1947, the club used to be based at the Normanby Hotel. The team competes at the Brisbane Rugby League and the Brisbane Second Division Rugby League.