It has been planned for years, but the upgrade for Walter Taylor Bridge still needs to become a reality. As the bridge continues to cause bottlenecks during the peak hours of the day, some residents are putting pressure on the government to address worsening traffic situation in the area.

Protesters will be gathering on Saturday, 5 August at Nadine St Park in Graceville to call for action on people’s request to build a duplicate Walter Taylor Bridge.
Leading the rally is State MP for Yeerongpilly Mark Bailey. Mr Bailey has been vocal on social media, expressing his dismay at how Walter Taylor Bridge was ignored in the last budget.
Mr Bailey hit Brisbane City Council for allocating $650 million to expand Kingsford-Smith Drive from two lanes to three lanes, while not funding the upgrade of one-lane Walter Taylor Bridge.
He also launched an online petition at and a Facebook page dedicated to the campaign.
Support for Walter Taylor Bridge 2
A second Walter Taylor Bridge connecting Indooroopilly and Chelmer has been proposed for years ago. It involves the construction of a duplicate bridge immediately downstream of the pedestrian and bicycle bridge. The second bridge could provide one lane in both directions or focus on southbound traffic, while the existing bridge will be for northbound traffic.
In a recent survey by Royal Automobile Club of Queensland (RACQ), the duplication of the Walter Taylor Bridge received strong support from respondents.
According to the RACQ survey, 65 percent of respondents supported the plan to construct a duplicate Walter Taylor Bridge, while 24.2 percent were neutral about the idea and 10.8 percent were against the proposal.