Former Oxley Secondary College Site Declared as Priority Development Area

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Development work at the former Oxley Secondary College site will be accelerated following its declaration as a Priority Development Area (PDA) on 10 August 2018.

As part of the state government’s Advancing our cities and regions strategy, the Oxley site was identified as an exemplary urban renewal precinct.

Aerial View of Former Oxley Secondary College Site Photo credit:

Plans for the development of the old Oxley Secondary College site include the construction of a new residential community within a bushland setting, aged care facility, integrated community facilities, and the relocation of the existing C&K Yuingi child care centre.

What is a Priority Development Area (PDA)?

A Priority Development Area (PDA) is a parcel of land identified for specific development that facilitates economic development and development for community purposes.

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The declaration of the Oxley PDA provides an opportunity for the speedy delivery of innovative and best practice urban design on the site.

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Currently, an Interim Land Use Plan (ILUP) is in effect and will remain in place for up to 12 months while the development scheme is being prepared by the Economic Development Queensland (EDQ). The Oxley ILUP provides the planning framework to allow early works to begin including the demolition of existing buildings.

Transformation of the Former Oxley Secondary College Site

Photo credit:

Following the community consultation on the plans for the derelict site, a total of 146 responses were received and considered by the EDQ in the preparation of the ILUP.

Feedback from the community included key areas of support focusing on the overall development outcome, the principles to encourage visual amenity, and the provision of community uses including the relocation of the Yuingi C&K child care centre out of the location that flooded in 2011.

Areas of concern that were raised by the community in relation to the initial concept included the impact the proposed development on traffic conditions, the height and density of the buildings to be constructed, community purposes of the development, and the extent of the development footprint.

ILUP Precinct Plan Photo credit:

With the careful consideration of these issues, EDQ promises to preserve high-value vegetation on the site, remediate and protect the landslip prone area, build detached houses only on average 800-sqm lots, and provide a flood free child care centre and aged care/retirement precinct.

Moreover, 80% of the site will be dedicated to total open space incorporating endangered vegetation, roads, revegetated zones, public open space, and private vegetation. The development will have a 20% building footprint that will include new buildings, houses, child care centre, and aged care/retirement.

Next Steps for the Development

Community feedback will still be reflected in the development scheme that is being prepared by the EDQ. Once the development scheme is ready, it will be made publicly available for community consultation.

Community engagement events will be undertaken as part of this process which is expected to occur in early 2019.

After the public notification period, any necessary amendments will be made before the final development scheme is approved.

Project Timeline

August 2018 – PDA declaration
Late 2018 – Demolition of existing  school buildings
Early 2019 – Public notification of  development scheme
Mid 2019 – Development scheme approval and construction commences

For more information, you may visit the official page of the Oxley Priority Development Area.


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