Sherwood State School Continues To Skip For A Healthy Heart

The Heart Foundation’s Jump Rope for Heart was established in 1983 and has been Australia’s most popular physical activity and fund-raising program in schools. The Sherwood State School was one of the first schools to sign up for this program, leading to the founding of the Sherwood Arrows Skipping Team.

To commemorate the 35th year of Jump Rope for Heart, a Jump Off Day was held at the school on 28 March 2018. During the event, the kids showed off the skills and knowledge they have learned through the program. Prizes were handed out to participants, with the top fundraisers rewarded with GoPro cameras and Oingo Boingos.

The skipping team is made up of members from the school. For years, they have done numerous demonstrations all around the Brisbane area and beyond. Aside from Brisbane, they have also toured places such as New Zealand and Tasmania.

This year, the members have raised nearly $18,000. The top fundraiser this year is Chelsea with $1,302. You can view the leaderboard here.

About the Program

Any school can participate in the Jump Rope for Heart program. Upon registration, they are given a resource kit explaining how to conduct the program. It runs over a three- to nine-week period, during which, students will collect donations and participate in various activities organised by the school.

The Heart Foundation is dedicated to spread awareness and keep everyone active for heart health. The leading cause of death in the country is heart disease and a major cause is inactivity.

Starting children with physical activity and instilling knowledge about heart health at this age is essential.